EDIT: This posting has changed, as I have posted a newer version of the song I am presenting. Please go to http://kingkeld.blogspot.com/2010/08/metal-madness-new-mix.html to see the new, relevant posting. Thank you.
I have written and recorded a new song. This time, it’s a little tribute to the “true” metalheads out there – the bands like Manowar who takes it all dead serious. …or do they? I gotta say, I admire them for their dedication to their music and the style, and their willingness to wear skimpy leather speedos on stage. Death to false metal!
As always, please help me spread my music. I put a lot of work in these and would love for as many people as possible to hear it. If you like the music, or just feel like passing it on to someone who might, please send them a link, post this on Facebook, stumble it (use the button on the top of the page) and anything else you can think of.