I used to do radio work here in little Kalundborg, a local station called KLR (Kalundborg Lokalradio), which shut down years and years ago.
Monique went through some of my pictures (she is doing a blog about my wild and crazy youth, I think) and came across this photo that I took of Megadeth back in 1992 at the Roskilde Festival. Man, those were fun times. I was at a big interview session with a few other radio stations and magazines and it was a really cool thing to try, especially since Megadeth is one of my favorite bands. Now I just need to find the autographs that I got from them too. I wonder where they are? Anyway, it was a pleasure to meet them, Dave was clean at the time and got to show us that between the anger you can find a very intelligent man, something that he definitely has shown in his older days. He talked a lot about staying clean on the tour and how hard it was, because when you are a rock star, everything is made available to you. It's just to tell the right people what you want and you will have it within minutes, including drugs etc. I am glad that he had time to find himself, I think it is something that you can really hear in the last couple of albums. The aggressiveness is still there, but the anger is a little different and I think it suits them great.
IMO, the latest Megadeth album has to be one of the best ever...