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Sunday, July 27, 2008


It was fun listening to the Rock'n'Rollers last night at King's Pub here in Kalundborg. As part of the town festival, they did a gig Saturday night.

I know most of the guys from the good old days. Peter, the guitarist, was the guitar player in my very first band! Jimmy, the singer, and I did a radio show every friday night for a while, about 10 years ago. Lots of fond memories.

They did a great job with music from the good ole days, Elvis, The Beatles, etc.

Glam Gang (Dudes In Limos)

This weekend was Kalundborg's annual town festival. It's always nice when something different happens, especially in a small town like ours.

Back when I was a teen Kalundborg had it's own little world class hard rock band, named Hero. They were the big thing here, and I think they were the only local band who has ever had the guts to put up a venue size concert here, filling the reasonably big concert hall here in Kalundborg. Not only that, they did it twice! This is also the only Kalundborg band that I know of that actually managed to get a record deal back in the day when it actually took a real label to release an album. I still have it somewhere, signed and all! :)

After the Fall of Hero, they have been out there playing all the good ole 70's glam rock songs that we all know and like. I have been trying to get to see them for so many years, and last night I finally made it!

It was great to see the guys play again, and really great to have a little talk with guitarist Peter Fernando and a couple of greetings from the rest of the gang.

This is definitely not the last time I'll be seeing them live.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Alien Warrior

We finally got to buy a scanner!

I have been meaning to scan a lot of old photos that I found at my Mom's and my Dad's places.

Also, I would like to publish some of Dee's awesome drawings. She is getting better every day, and she really impresses me with her art.

Here is the first scan of one of her drawings, the Alien Warrior:


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Awesome drum solo

It was finally done... a drum solo duel between the world's two finest drummers...