This weekend was Kalundborg's annual town festival. It's always nice when something different happens, especially in a small town like ours.
Back when I was a teen Kalundborg had it's own little world class hard rock band, named Hero. They were the big thing here, and I think they were the only local band who has ever had the guts to put up a venue size concert here, filling the reasonably big concert hall here in Kalundborg. Not only that, they did it twice! This is also the only Kalundborg band that I know of that actually managed to get a record deal back in the day when it actually took a real label to release an album. I still have it somewhere, signed and all! :)
After the Fall of Hero, they have been out there playing all the good ole 70's glam rock songs that we all know and like. I have been trying to get to see them for so many years, and last night I finally made it!
It was great to see the guys play again, and really great to have a little talk with guitarist Peter Fernando and a couple of greetings from the rest of the gang.
This is definitely not the last time I'll be seeing them live.